
Goku's No.1 Quote Poll On Now to Celebrate Goku Day!! 1st Place to Be Turned into Real Merch!


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  • 魔人ベジータと戦ってるときの「ほんとにそうか?」ってセリフ入れてほしかった

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    I wanted you to put in the line "Is that really true?" when fighting Majin Vegeta, that's really cool and I like it

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    • A good one that i wish was up there was "I AM THE LEGENDARY SUPER SAIYAN, SON GOKU!" I would have voted for that one.

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      • Where is " I AM THE SUPER SAIYAN SON GOKU"!!!

      • It was difficult to vote my favourite as all the quotes were from epic moments of Goku's life. I read them with the scenes from the anime in my mind.

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        • 星は壊せてもたった1人の人間は壊せねえようだなあってほしかった

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          I wanted it to be like, even if you can destroy a star, you can't destroy a single human being.

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          • I like Kid Goku the most!

          • Hello my name is halo and my fav is HEY ITS ME GOKU A SAIYAIN RAISED ON EARTH

          • *This comment was deleted by its poster.

          • Goku unlocking Ultra Instinct as a student of the Turtle School is one of the greatest moments out of both DB and DBS

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            • Me encanta el dialogo de superación en la saga saiyan tanto como la reflexión sobre alcanzar la perfección del arco de torneo del poder

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              I love the overcoming dialogue in the saiyan saga as much as the reflection on reaching perfection in the tournament of power arc

            • このなかから1つだけって!?

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              Only one out of these! ?
              Everything! ! !

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              • "J'ai peut-être été un mauvais disciple qui n'a pas écouté ce qu'on me disait, mais... c'est grâce à Son Goku que je suis devenu Kame School ." Je l'adore ! Il a totalement raison !

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                "I may have been a bad disciple who didn't listen to what I was told, but... it was thanks to Son Goku that I became Kame School ." I love it ! He is totally right!

              • Está votación está interesante :)

              • 僕は「ま いっか」を選びました。辛い時に勇気をくれる言葉だと思います。とても好きです。

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                I chose "Maikka". I think it's a word that gives you courage when you're having a hard time. I like it very much.

              • Deberian revisar la traducción: Estoy furioso congelador (freezer) me gusta training(entrenar)

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                They should review the translation: I am furious freezer (freezer) I like training (train)

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                • Waku-waku suru-zo!!

                  J'ai beaucoup hésité avec la citation sur l'élite et la caste inférieure qu'il lance à Vegeta.

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                  Waku-waku suru-zo!!

                  I hesitated a lot with the quote about the elite and the lower caste that he throws at Vegeta.

                • 「お前は強いよ~(以下略)~またな」が無いのは残念

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                  It's a pity that there is no "You are strong ~ (Omitted) ~ See you later"

                • Me gusta mucho el diálogo en el que Goku reconoce la importancia que tuvo Roshi en su vida como guerrero y que eso lo ayudará a alcanzar el ultra instinto, se siente como si culminará su camino como artista marcial para entrar en un nuevo mundo, al menos así lo veo yo.

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                  I really like the dialogue in which Goku recognizes the importance that Roshi had in his life as a warrior and that this will help him achieve ultra instinct, it feels like he will culminate his path as a martial artist to enter a new world, at least that's how I see it.

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                  • I like Kid Goku saying “Oh Well”. It isn’t my favorite quote of Son Goku but I feel like it captures the carefree nature he has. Plus that gag was really funny

                  • The quote where he calls himself the worst apprentice directly refers to the Monkey King's relationship with his Taoist Master, who asked Wukong to leave and never called him his student because he was ashamed of him for breaking the rules of never boasting about his strength.
                    While Goku wasn't like this, he here is possibly recalling the time he single-handedly raised the red ribbon army base and took it down despite warnings and the second being where he went on to take a shortcut for the first time by drinking the Ultra Divine water to get strong enough to beat Piccolo Daimao. Still, he did this with pure intentions, unlike the monkey king, who had a self-imposed title due to his ego. But it still made him "the worst apprentice" because he disobeyed his master on these two occasions.

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