
DRAGON BALL SUPER CARD GAME Fusion World -RAGING ROAR- [FB03] Booster Packs Coming Soon! Check Out All the Awesome Alt-Art Cards!



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  • Ça m'a tout l'air sympa !

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    This looks great to me!

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  • かっこいい!

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  • Cool

  • I have never played the card game. Is it hard?

  • 私はGTの頃から見ていたのでとても楽しみです。特に印象深いのは悟空のスーパーサイヤ人4です。なのでこのカードの表紙が悟空の超サイヤ人4なのでパックを買って当てたいです!

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    I've been watching since GT, so I'm really looking forward to it. The most memorable thing is Goku's Super Saiyan 4. So since the cover of this card is Goku's Super Saiyan 4 (SS4), I want to buy a Puck and get it!