"Dragon Ball SD" is a light and playful full-color comic series starring chibi-fied versions of Goku and his friends fighting their way through battles packed to the brim with gags and hilarious moments! The latest chapter is now available on the Saikyo Jump YouTube channel!
This month, a special edition commemorating Dragon Ball's 40th anniversary will be available to watch on November 29th, with the first part appearing at 16:00 and the second at 20:30 (JST)!
The DB 40th Anniversary Special Edition was also published in Saikyo Jump's super-sized December edition, which is currently on store shelves across Japan.
This special chapter is a celebratory story full of gags, featuring different versions of Goku and his rivals from various points in Dragon Ball's history!
Check out what happens on the Saikyo Jump YouTube channel below!!
*The featured comics are in Japanese.
Dragon Ball SD is coming back to Saikyo Jump starting next month! The newest chapter will appear the last Friday of every month on the Saikyo Jump YouTube channel!
Now you can enjoy the adventures of Goku and his friends, both in Saikyo Jump and on YouTube!
Check out all of chapter 1 below!!
Plus, episodes #01~20 of the new series are also available to watch in one supercut video!!
This site includes machine-translated texts. Please be aware that you might find some unusual expressions that are difficult to understand.
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