Creator Akira Toriyama worked on the original concept, story, and character designs for the all-new anime series, Dragon Ball DAIMA. Goku and his friends are turned small by Gomah’s conspiracy and set off on an adventure in an unknown world: the Demon Realm. A brand-new character, Majin Duu, appeared during episode 11. As the story is set in motion within the Demon Realm, expectations for Dragon Ball DAIMA continue to rise. Stay tuned for a never-before-seen Dragon Ball that the world has been waiting for!
Appearing in episode 9, Majin Kuu challenged Tamagami Number One, but surprisingly surrendered when faced with its strength. After seeing the power of Tamagami Number One, Dr. Arinsu took a massive gamble. By using all remaining essence of Buu and burying the last of the Saibaiman seeds deep underground... Duu, another new Majin, was born! Now, is it Majin Duu’s turn to take on Tamagami Number One!?
With a striking semblance to Majin Buu and the words “I want chocolate!”, Majin Duu left quite the impression with their episode 11 appearance! Fukushi Ochiai was announced as the VA, and he kindly provided us with a comment!
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