The Weekly ☆ Character Showcase is an article series where we introduce one character from the Dragon Ball universe each week. This week, we're taking a look at the heavy hitter Toppo from Dragon Ball Super!
Toppo is the leader of the Pride Troopers, who are charged with protecting the peace of Universe 11. Toppo boasts of his power being only second to his comrade, Jiren.
As one of the fighters selected for the Zen Exhibition Match, the multiversal fighting competition preceding the Tournament of Power, Toppo is matched up against Goku. He easily brushes off incoming attacks from Goku in Super Saiyan 3 form, and lands quite the clean hit with a strong punch.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 29)
He is finally forced to get serious against Goku's Super Saiyan God form, and a terrifying, god-level power struggle unfolds. Goku transforms into his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form but lets his guard down for a second and is sent packing from the ring with a violent kick from Toppo.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 29)
Toppo coordinates with Dyspo during the Tournament of Power to pin Goku down, and in an unbelievable display of power, Toppo plows Goku straight into the arena floor.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 35)
Toppo next exchanges blows with Vegeta. Though the battle against Vegeta's Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form extended on without a clear favorite, upon witnessing Goku's awakening into Ultra Instinct -Sign-, Vegeta then explodes in a fit of rage. The tremendous power is enough to send Toppo flying!
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 40)
Frieza seizes this opportunity and follows up with an attack of his own that sends Toppo crashing into a large fragment that had broken off from the main ring. Dyspo comes to his aid, but both wind up out of bounds.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 40)
"Dragon Ball Super" Chapter 28
Toppo is a candidate to become Universe 11's next God of Destruction!
Due to a current God of Destruction, Belmod, considering retirement, he is personally training candidates for succession. Whenever the Supreme Kais and Gods of Destruction are summoned by Zen-Oh, Toppo also attends as a God of Destruction candidate. And what's more, Toppo is said to have power that surpasses Belmod!
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 28)
→Preview: Scroll down to the comments for a hint about who next week's character will be!
*All images are from the Japanese version.
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