The Weekly ☆ Character Showcase is an article series where we introduce one character from the Dragon Ball universe each week. This week, we're taking a look at the dolled-up madam from the Dragon Ball Z anime, East Kai!
The Kai overlooking and protecting the eastern area is short-tempered with quite the elegant fashion sense. With a hoverbike racing hobby like no other, she'll always find a reason to do a quick lap.
The four Kais decided to hold an "Another World Budokai" between the different galaxies as a way to celebrate their first gathering in 300 years. Goku's eagerness to participate managed to catch a comment from the East Kai, who said, "This is a serious bout, young man! It’s not for rookies!" After some back and forth, she decides to put his participation on the line with a quick race.
The race was neck-and-neck, and she reached the goal at nearly the same time as Goku. However, victory slipped through her fingers as the Grand Kai, who had joined the race unannounced, crossed the finish line ahead of her.
She was furious when Goku defeated Arqua, the only East Galaxy warrior to make it to the Another World Budokai finals.
"Dragon Ball Z" Episode 196
She was fuming at her galaxy's defeated warriors!
The East Kai furiously declares, "You have...destroyed my reputation!" after the last remaining East Galaxy participant was defeated at the Another World Budokai. She decides to take matters into her own hands and as punishment, makes all East Galaxy warriors run 10,000 laps around the Planet of the Grand Kai.
Yet it seemed that wasn't enough to quell her anger as she followed behind them on her hoverbike urging them on, saying, "Now you better get those pedals moving or you will be running one million more laps!"
→Preview: Scroll down to the comments for a hint about who next week's character will be!
*All images are from the Japanese version.
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