The Weekly ☆ Character Showcase is an article series where we introduce one character from the Dragon Ball universe each week. This week, we're taking a look at a lady who's all about love, Ribrianne!
Ribrianne is the ultimate combo of beauty and strength... at least according to Universe 2.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
She takes part in the Tournament of Power with her two reliable friends, Kakunsa and Rozie, representing Universe 2. She has a strong obsession with beauty and relentlessly attacks Android 18 after calling her "ugly".
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
Ribrianne tries to use her ultimate attack to finish off Android 18 while Kakunsa and Rozie are holding her down. However, she is instantly captivated after spotting Krillin in the bleachers.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
She explodes with anger as soon as she finds out Krillin is Android 18's husband, prompting her to use a multitude of techniques. However, this proves to be ineffective as her convictions regarding beauty begin to waver, throwing her off her game and causing her to miss.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
After taking a direct hit from Android 18, she goes to the edge of the arena intending to go out of bounds, saying, "I cannot think of anything less beautiful than defeat at your hands". However, just before leaving the ring, Gamisaras, the invisible warrior of Universe 4, knocks her out of the arena.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
"Dragon Ball Super" Chapter 33
Beauty Organic Spiral
After drawing a circle above her head, she shoots out a spiral-shaped Energy Wave.
Perfect UV Cutter
Sharp blades of Ki shoot out consecutively to slice through her opponents.
Anti-Aging Attack
A sphere of energy thrown at her opponent.
Damaged Hair Panic
Shoots out Ki from both hands simultaneously.
Dry Skin Stress
Shoots out an Energy Wave in an arc from above her head.
Ribrianne considers Krillin a gorgeous man!
She couldn't accept the fact that a gorgeous man like Krillin married someone as ugly as Android 18. It seems her beauty standards are quite different from those of Earth.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
→Preview: Scroll down to the comments for a hint about who next week's character will be!
*All images are from the Japanese version.
This site includes machine-translated texts. Please be aware that you might find some unusual expressions that are difficult to understand.
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