The Weekly ☆ Character Showcase is an article series where we introduce one character from the Dragon Ball universe each week. This week, we're taking a look at the self-absorbed Heles!
Heles is Universe 2's God of Destruction.
Her beauty is matched only by her confidence—enough to declare herself the most beautiful being in all of the universes.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 28)
During the Zen Exhibition Match between each universe's God of Destruction at the Tournament of Power, she pierces the arm of Universe 8's God of Destruction, Liquiir, with a shot from her signature bow.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 29)
She displays mixed feelings while watching Ribrianne and the other Universe 2 representatives fight in the Tournament of Power.
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
"Dragon Ball Super" Chapter 28
Heles' beauty may be less effective in her own universe!
Upon noticing Universe 2's strange sense of aesthetics, Beerus teases her by saying, "Maybe you're not all that in your universe."
(Dragon Ball Super Chapter 36)
→ Preview: Scroll down to the comments for a hint about who next week's character will be!
*All images are from the Japanese version.
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